Pokémon TCG Pocket: Build a Deck for Free

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Mastering Pokémon TCG Pocket is achievable with free cards! Build a competitive deck focusing on one type for maximum efficiency.


Building a competitive deck in Pokémon TCG Pocket without spending money is entirely possible, especially with the abundance of free cards available.

To effectively construct your deck, it’s crucial to understand the unique mechanics of this game variant. Unlike the traditional Pokémon TCG, there are no energy cards; instead, energy is generated in the energy zone each turn based on the card types in your deck. Therefore, it’s advisable to specialize your deck around a single type for optimal efficiency. If your collection lacks sufficient cards of one type, consider adding colorless cards, as they can utilize any energy type.

For newcomers, a fighting-type deck is an excellent choice. These decks have the advantage of targeting two weaknesses: darkness and colorless. You can obtain a basic fighting-type starter deck by selecting the Mewtwo booster pack initially. Alternatively, if you’re interested in exploring other types, our starter deck guide provides insights into grass and fire-type options.

One common pitfall when creating a deck is overcrowding it with too many Pokémon cards. This can dilute the strength of your deck. Remember, you can only include two cards of each Pokémon type, so select a few powerful options to ensure you don’t end up with weaker Pokémon in your hand.

In Pokémon TCG Pocket, leveraging strong supporter cards can significantly enhance your gameplay. For instance, Sabrina can help you swap out your opponent’s formidable active Pokémon, while Giovanni provides a damage boost that could turn the tide of a match by securing a knockout.

By following these guidelines, you can build a strong, competitive deck that stands up to the competition without any financial investment.To create a successful Pokémon TCG deck without spending money, it’s essential to leverage item cards effectively. You can play as many item cards as you want each turn, which provides great strategic advantages. For instance, the X Speed card enables you to swap out a Pokémon while using less energy, and the Red Card can significantly disrupt your opponent’s strategy by forcing them to shuffle their hand.

An optimal deck composition generally consists of about 12 Pokémon alongside 8 item or supporter cards. It’s critical to include three distinct types of Pokémon: robust stallers, agile attackers, and versatile sweepers.

Starting the game with a durable single-stage Pokémon that has a low retreat cost is advantageous. This allows you to establish a stronger setup on your bench with your energy-intensive sweepers. Look for Pokémon with at least 70 HP and ideally, one retreat cost.

Some suitable bulky stallers include:

  • Scyther
  • Heatmor
  • Moltres
  • Articuno
  • Pyukumuku
  • Bruxish
  • Electabuzz
  • Zapdos
  • Pincurchin
  • Mr. Mime
  • Jynx
  • Hitmonlee
  • Hitmonchan
  • Mawile
  • Ditto

If your hand lacks these stallers, fast attackers become invaluable. These Pokémon typically require less than two energy to launch their attacks and have a retreat cost of one or two. While it’s often preferable to have them set up on the bench, they can still function effectively in the active position when necessary. Having both the basic and evolved forms available at the start can enhance your strategy even more than relying solely on stallers.

Examples of effective fast attackers are:

  • Venonat/Venomoth
  • Cottonee/Whimsicott
  • Petilil/Lilligant
  • Vulpix/Ninetales
  • Ponyta/Rapidash
  • Salandit/Salazzle
  • Psyduck/Golduck
  • Tentacool/Tentacruel
  • Goldeen/Seaking
  • Staryu/Starmie
  • Snom/Frosmoth
  • Voltorb/Electrode
  • Eevee/Jolteon
  • Blitzle/Zebstrika
  • Helioptile/Heliolisk
  • Clefairy/Clefable
  • Woobat/Swoobat
  • Diglett/Dugtrio
  • Mankey/Primeape
  • Cubone/Marowak
  • Mienfoo/Mienshao
  • Zubat/Golbat
  • Pawniard/Bisharp
  • Rattata/Raticate
  • Spearow/Fearow
  • Meowth/Persian
  • Doduo/Dodrio

By focusing on these strategies and card types, you can build a competitive deck without any financial investment.To craft a successful Pokémon TCG deck without spending money, it’s essential to include a specific group of Pokémon known as set-up sweepers.

These Pokémon typically have high energy requirements, significant damage potential, and considerable retreat costs. While EX Pokémon fit this description, many standard three-stage evolutions or powerful standalone Pokémon also qualify.

They serve as the backup attackers that can come into play after your initial card is taken out, allowing for a strategic comeback. Regular cards can often be more advantageous than EX cards in this role, as they prevent your opponent from scoring two prize cards with a single knockout.

Here’s a selection of effective set-up sweepers you can consider:

  • Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur EX
  • Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel
  • Exeggcute, Exeggutor EX
  • Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard EX
  • Growlithe, Arcanine EX
  • Moltres EX
  • Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise EX
  • Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath
  • Staryu, Starmie EX
  • Magikarp, Gyarados
  • Articuno EX
  • Froakie, Frogadier, Greninja
  • Pikachu EX
  • Zapdos EX
  • Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam
  • Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
  • Mewtwo EX
  • Golett, Golurk
  • Machop, Machoke, Machamp EX
  • Geodude, Graveler, Golem
  • Cubone, Marowak EX
  • Clobbopus, Grapploct
  • Nidoran (F), Nidorina, Nidoqueen
  • Meltan, Melmetal
  • Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite
  • Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff EX
  • Snorlax

Additionally, some Pokémon possess special abilities that can enhance your strategy. These abilities can be activated once per turn, in addition to using regular attacks, and many of them can be utilized while on the bench.

Examples of Pokémon with useful abilities include Butterfree, Magneton, Gardevoir, Hypno, Pidgeot, and Porygon.

However, since bench space is limited, it’s advisable to include only one type of these supportive Pokémon in your deck to maintain a balanced strategy.

What is Pokémon TCG Pocket and Poké Gold?

Poké Gold is the primary currency in Pokemon TCG Pocket , a mobile game that allows players to collect and battle with Pokémon trading cards. It is used to purchase various items, restore stamina, and access exclusive collections such as special cards and covers, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Players can easily obtain Poké Gold by topping up through platforms like Lootbar.gg, which offers attentive customer service to meet all your Poké Gold purchasing needs.

Why do you choose Lootbar.gg for Poké Gold Top up?

If players want to top up Poké Gold for their Pokemon TCG Pocket experience, they may want to consider using the lootbar game trading platform. Lootbar.gg offers numerous advantages that make it an excellent choice for gamers. Notably, the platform provides competitive prices with special discounts on Pokemon TCG sales, allowing players to save significantly. Furthermore, every transaction on Lootbar is 100% secure, thanks to advanced encryption and strict data protection measures, ensuring a safe and legal experience.

In addition to cost-effectiveness and security, Lootbar.gg excels in customer service and efficiency. Their 24/7 customer support is always ready to assist with any queries or help needed during the Pokemon TCG Pocket recharge process, embodying their motto, "Reputation First! Customers Foremost!" Moreover, Lootbar guarantees quick delivery, with players receiving their Poké Gold within just three minutes of purchase, ensuring a seamless gaming experience without unnecessary delays. With such robust benefits, Lootbar stands out as a reliable platform for topping up Poké Gold.

A Step-by-Step Guide to top up Pokémon TCG Pocket on LootBar

To top up Pokémon TCG Pocket Poké Gold on the Lootbar trading platform, start by visiting the official website at https://lootbar.gg . Once there, select your preferred language and currency type, then log into your account. Navigate to the Home page and access the Pokémon TCG Pocket top up page. Decide on the amount of Poké Gold you wish to purchase and click on the “Top-up Now” button. You will then be prompted to provide your Login Account, Password, and Character name as part of the top up guidance.

Next, select your preferred payment method and complete the transaction by clicking "Pay Now." After the order is confirmed, the Poké Gold will be transferred to your account within a few minutes. This straightforward process ensures that you can efficiently and securely top up Pokémon TCG Pocket Poké Gold, allowing you to enhance your gaming experience without hassle.

